Vol.17 (1985) No.1

Development of Highly Computer-Controlled Vehicle (HCCV) System for Transport of Hot Cast Blooms

中西 輝行(Teruyuki Nakanishi) 芳村 嘉夫(Yoshio Yoshimura) 瀬戸 恒雄(Tsuneo Seto) 馬場 和史(Kazushi Baba) 有光  博(Hiroshi Arimitsu) 渡部 修三(Shuzo Watanabe)
要旨 :
水島製鉄所第1製鋼工場と約1 km離れた新ビレット工場および大形工場間に熱鋳片無人搬送台車HCCVシステムを開発導入し,1984年2月稼動した。HCCVシステムは,(1)鋳片の積込み,積卸しと搬送を完全自動化している。(2)搬送鋳片の順序管理とトラッキングの保証をしている。(3)離れた工場間をオンライン化して,ブルーム搬送における熱エネルギーロスを最少にしている。などの特徴を有し工場間の連続化,同期化の達成に寄与している。
Synopsis :
The highly computer-control vehicle HCCV system was brought into operation in February 1984 between the No.1 steelmaking plant and the new billet mill, a wide flange beam mill, at Mizushima Works. Features and purposes of HCCV system are (1) Realization of Perfect Automatization in Material Transportation. Blooms can be automatically received and fed by combining the traverse function of the buggy with that of the receiving and feeding equipment at each station. (2) Control and Assurance of Transportation Sequence by Piecewise Tracking. Blooms are placed in a single tier so that tracking according to the rolling sequence can be ensured. (3) Through Pursuit of Heat Energy Saving. The buggy is equipped with a heat-insulation room provided with heat insulating doors capable of minimizing temperature drops during transportation of hot blooms.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003