Vol.16 (1984) No.4

Spot-Weldable Composite Damping Steel Sheets "NONVIBRA"

篠崎 正利(Masatoshi Shinozaki) 松本 義裕(Yoshihiro Matsumoto) 西田  稔(Minoru Nishida) 入江 敏夫(Toshio Irie) 古川 幸夫(Yukio Furukawa) 高崎 順介(Junsuke Takasaki)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Composite damping steel sheets which are composed of two steel-sheet skin layers and a centrally disposed viscoelastic resin layer have been attracting attention. The composite damping steel sheets have better damping ability than that of other types of damping sheets and similar formability to that of conventional steel sheets. Therefore, they are expected to be widely used for many machinery and equipment components. The composite damping steel sheets, however, have poor spot-weldability, because their core resins have no electric conductivity. A few methods of welding performance have been proposed to resolve such trouble. Kawasaki Steel has developed a spot-weldable composite damping steel sheet NONVIBRA by adding graphite particles to resin layers. A role played by graphite is to provide a current path at the beginning of spot welding. A critical radius and critical amount of graphite particles for this purpose depend on the thickness of the resin layer. Graphite in the resin layer does not affect other characteristics such as the loss factor and adhesion.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003