Vol.16 (1984) No.4

A New Process for Deep-Drawing Cold-Rolled Steel Sheets with Extra-Low-Carbon Steels

佐藤  進(Susumu Satoh) 小原 隆史(Takashi Obara) 高崎 順介(Junsuke Takasaki) 安田  顕(Akira Yasuda) 西田  稔(Minoru Nishida)
要旨 :
深絞り用冷延鋼板の新製造法開発を目的とし,極低炭素鋼の機械的性質におよぼす化学組成と熱延条件の影響を調べた。(1)C?0.002%とすると過時効処理なしの連続焼鈍で遅時効性が確保できるが,深絞り性は面内異方性が大きいためにそれほど向上しない。(2)微量のTiあるいはNbの添加が面内異方性の低減に有効であり,優れた深絞り性が得られる。(3) この種の鋼を1100℃以下の低温スラブ加熱すると,低温熱延(FDT<Ar3),低温巻取(Cγ<600℃)で優れた深絞り性が得られる。これはとくにTi添加鋼で顕著である。(4)以上の知見に基づき,極低炭素鋼を素材とする低温加熱-低温熱延-低温巻取-無過時効連続焼鈍からなる新製造工程を開発した。
Synopsis :
For developing a new process of manufacturing deep-drawing cold-rolled steel sheets, effects of chemical composition and hot-rolling conditions on mechanical properties of extra-low-carbon steel sheets have been investigated. The results obtained are given below; (1) In low C content less than 0.002%, resistance to aging can be obtained without overaging treatment in continuous annealing. However, improvement of deep-drawability by lowering C content is small because planar anisotropy of mechanical properties is extremely large. (2) A small addition of Ti or Nb effectively decreases the planar anisotropy and gives good deep-drawability. (3) Lowering a slab reheating temperature below 1100℃ in such steels provides good deep-drawability even for hot-rolling with the finishing temperature below Ar3 and the coiling temperature below 600℃. This is noticeable in Ti-added extra-low-carbon steels. (4) On the basis of the above findings, a new process consisting of hot-rolling in the low temperature range and continuous annealing without overaging treatment using extra-low-carbon steels has been developed for producing deep-drawing cold-rolled sheets.
本文(PDF: 7P/311kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003