Vol.16 (1984) No.4

Effect of Heat Cycle and Carbon Content on the Mechanical Properties of Continuous Annealed Low Carbon Steel Sheets

小原 隆史(Takashi Obara) 坂田  敬(Kei Sakata) 西田  稔(Minoru Nishida) 入江 敏夫(Toshio Irie)
要旨 :
低炭素冷延鋼板の材質におよぼす連続焼鈍の熱サイクルとC量の効果について検討した。深絞り用冷延鋼板の連続焼鈍技術の基本は,(1) C量を低量にして結晶粒径を大きくし,(2)高温焼鈍とA1点までの徐冷,(3)急速冷却,(4)400℃付近での保持を組み合わせ,軟質化と固溶Cの低減を効果的に達成することにある。結晶粒径を大きくすることは単純に軟質化に寄与するのみならず,急冷効果を高め,セメンタイトの析出を促進することにも有効である。急冷時の固溶Cの分布を,結晶粒を球とし粒界へのCの拡散が律速であると仮定することにより推定した。また,結晶粒径の小さい軟質ぶりき原板における急冷過時効の効果についても検討した。
Synopsis :
Effect of the continuous-annealing heat cycle and carbon content on the mechanical properties of continuous-annealed low carbon steel sheets is discussed. The metallurgical basis of the continuous annealing process for producing deep drawing cold rolled steel sheets consists of the followings: (1) Lowering carbon content to increase grain sizes, (2) high temperature annealing followed by slow cooling, (3) rapid cooling and (4) holding around 400℃, all the four factors combined contributing to softening and decreasing solute carbon. Increasing grain sizes by decreasing carbon content is necessary not only for softening but also for enhancing the supersaturation of solute carbon resulting in the dense cementite precipitation. The solute carbon profile in a grain during cooling can be estimated on the assumption that a ferrite grain is of a spherical shape and the carbon diffusion to grain boundaries is the rate controlled process. Rapid-cooling and over-aging processes in fine-grained low-temper tinplates are also discussed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003