Vol.16 (1984) No.4

Production of Hot-rolled Steel Sheet for High Strength Steel Pipe with Good Cold Formability

青柳 信男(Nobuo Aoyagi) 上野 宏昭(Hiroaki Ueno) 高橋  功(Isao Takahashi) 篠崎 正利(Masatoshi Shinozaki) 西田  稔(Minoru Nishida)
要旨 :
自動車や二輪車,さらに各種機械構造物に適した高張力薄鋼管を開発し,二輪車のフレームやハンドルなどに実用化した。この鋼板と鋼管は以下のような特徴がある。(1) 低C(0.05%)のTi添加析出強化鋼である。(2) 低C設計で電縫溶接部の硬化が少ない。このため軟化熱処理することなく切削性や加工性に優れている。(3) 溶接継手部を含めて強度と疲労特性に優れている。(4) 従来の高張力鋼管と比較して,熱処理省略や合金添加量が少なく安価である。また作業性や生産性の向上が期待できる。本報告は,成分決定の実験結果と開発鋼および鋼管の材料特性についてまとめた。
Synopsis :
High strength steel sheet for high strength steel pipe which is used for automobiles, motorcycles and various structures has been developed. The high strength steel pipe has been practically used for frames and handlepipes of motorcycles in place of Cr-Mo steel seamless pipe. Characteristics of the newly developed steel sheet and steel pipe are as follows: (1) The steel is a low C and Ti bearing steel. (2) Hardening due to electrical resistance welding of pipe is little because of low C content, and the pipe shows good machinability and excellent formability without heat treatment for softening. (3) Mechanical strength and fatigue properties of the pipe are also better than those of STKS 1C (Cr-Mo steel seamless pipe). (4) The pipe is less expensive than conventional high strength pipe, because heat treatment is not necessary and alloy content is low. This leads to higher productivity at the users of this pipe.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003