Vol.16 (1984) No.2

耐応力腐食割れ性にすぐれたオーステナイトステンレス鋼(R 304 Cu)
Copper Bearing Austenitic Stainless Steel, R 304 Cu, Resistant to Stress Corrosion Cracking
曽根 雄二(Yuji Sone) 倉橋 速生(Hayao Kurahashi) 和田 佳代子(Kayoko Wada) 中井 揚一(Yoichi Nakai)
要旨 :
貯湯槽等温水環境での耐塩化物応力腐食割れ性改善にはCu添加が有効という知見によりR 304 Cu鋼を開発した。その研究5t炉溶製材について,製造工程,耐食性,耐応力腐食割れ性および溶接性におよぼすCuの効果を調べた。さらに,内容積が1.65 m3のR 304 Cu製貯湯槽を製作し実用に供した。以上の結果,(1)Cuの塩化物応力腐食割れ抑制作用は,塩化物濃度・温度・負荷応力が低い程顕著になる,(2)R 304 Cu共金溶接継手の耐応力腐食割れ性は母材部のそれと同等である,(3)R 304 Cu製貯湯槽は設置後1.5年経過したが,内面には割れは全くなく孔食も認められず内面状況は良好であることが判明した。よってR 304 Cuは従来304鋼製温水機器で応力腐食割れが生ずるものの代替材として使用できる。
Synopsis :
A new annealing and pickling line has been put on stream at Chiba Works in October 1982. Meeting with the demands of the age, this large-scale line efficiently produces coils of large dimensions, i.e. maximum 8 mm thick and 1600 mm wide, available from various kinds of stainless steel and high carbon special steel. In this construction careful consideration was given to the thoroughgoing protection of environment. Especially a new method to regenerate HNO3 and HF efficiently was successfully developed by introducing Fe-removing process. This development was commissioned to Kawasaki Steel by Research Development Corporation of Japan (J.R.D.C). This AP line and its auxiliary acid recovery plant to which the above-mentioned new systems have been introduced, are now in smooth operation.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003