Vol.16 (1984) No.1

Outline of Material Testing Center at Chiba Works

白石 利明 (Toshiaki Shiraishi) 渡辺 郁夫(Ikuo Watanabe) 亀田 正紀(Masaki Kameda) 田中 春之(Haruyuki Tanaka)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A modern material testing center for steel products has been established in Chiba works. The modernization of the testing center is aimed at refreshing of testing equipments, real time data processing, and centralization of material testing laboratories. Fully automatic tension testing machines, other automatic testing equipments, and numerically controlled equipment for test specimen machining are working for testing all kinds of steels produced at Chiba works. Moreover, all procedures ranging from receiving test coupons to performing tests and evaluating results are processed by a mini-computer. The quality control and quality assurance systems have been strengthened by the completion of this center.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003