Vol.15 (1983) No.3

Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Double Sheet Pile Wall Structure

大堀 晃一(Koichi Ohori) 荘司 喜博(Yoshihiro Shoji) 上田  寛(Hiroshi Ueda) 原  道彦(Michihiko Hara) 川井  豊(Yutaka Kawai) 塩田 啓介(Keisuke Shiota)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
An elasto-plastic analysis was performed to investigate the characteristics of a double sheet pile wall structure. The analytical method is expanded from Sawaguchi's elastic theory to consider not only the interaction between sheet piles, tie rod, and filling sand but also footing ground. The comparison between the theoretical predictions and experimental results has shown that the calculated values agree well with the experimental data concerning horizontal displacement of the wall top and with the bending moment distribution of sheet piles under distributed lateral load. As a result, it is clear that this method is useful in designing double sheet pile wall structures.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003