Vol.15 (1983) No.2

Improvement in Off-Gas Recovery from Q-BOP

馬田  一(Hajime Bada) 山田 純夫(Sumio Yamada) 数土 文夫(Fumio Sudo) 矢治 源平(Motoyasu Yaji) 小高 幹男(Mikio Kodaka)
要旨 :
当社千葉製鉄所第3製鋼工場は,我国最初の底吹き転炉(Q-BOP)工場であり,その排ガス処理設備としてOG法を採用し,排ガスの持つエネルギーを有効に回収している。回収エネルギー原単位の向上には,回収ガスの燃焼率の低減が有効であり,発生ガス量の変動を抑え,炉口部でのシールを強化することにより,燃焼率を2〜3%まで低減させた。さらに回収時間の延長や機器の信頼性の向上により,ガス回収原単位は,約270×10 3kcal/tにまで到達した。底吹き転炉をエネルギー変換炉と考え,石灰石を吹込む実験を行った結果によれば,石灰石の分解によるCOガスを,ほぼ理論通り回収できることが確認できた。
Synopsis :
No.3 steel plant at Chiba Works has two 230t Q-BOPs for the first time in Japan, which are equipped with OG system as off-gas cleaning equipment, and consequently off-gas energy from Q-BOPs is recovered effectively as fuel for power plant. To increase energy recovery, it is effective to reduce combustion ratio of off-gas from Q-BOPs. Chiba's Q-BOPs have decreased the combustion ratio from 5% to 2 or 3% by means of improvement of sealing between furnace and skirt hood. Then, the recovery time of off-gas from Q-BOPs gas been extended and the reliability of gas sampler and gas analyzer has been improved. Consequently, the amount of energy recovered from off-gas has increased to about 270 × 10 3 kcal/t. Q-BOP has shown additional advantage of CO gas recovery by injecting limestone powder through the bottom tuyeres.
本文(PDF: 5P/226kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003