Vol.15 (1983) No.2

Production of Stainless Steel by Top and Bottom Blown Converter

大谷 尚史(Takashi Otani) 柴田  勝(Masaru Shibata) 朝穂 隆一(Ryuichi Asaho) 浜田 俊二(Shunji Hamada) 矢治 源平(Motoyasu Yaji) 加藤 嘉英(Yoshiei Kato)
要旨 :
ステンレス製鋼部門の,千葉製鉄所第1製鋼工場への集約に際し,上吹き転炉から上底吹き転炉(K-BOP)への改造,および85t UHP溶解炉の新設を行った。昭和56年3月にK-BOPの稼働を開始し,普通鋼の溶製と並行して,ステンレス鋼溶性における冶金反応を研究し,量産プロセスの開発を行った。また,溶銑予備処理設備を設置し,ステンレス鋼溶製時の普通鋼スクラップを脱燐溶銑に置き換えることにより,大幅な操業時間の短縮,および溶製コストの削減を達成した。
Synopsis :
At Chiba Works, an 85t new UHP melting furnace (MF) was erected and the existing LD converter was converted into a top and bottom blown converter (K-BOP) at its No.1 steelmaking shop. This was in line with a stainless steelmaking integration program modified from the former setup involving two steel works of Nishinomiya and Chiba.An entirely new process came on stream in March 1981 for the bilateral production of carbon steel and stainless steel by K-BOP and MF-K-BOP. Furthermore, equipment for hot metal treatment was installed to supply dephosphorized hot metal instead of iron scrap in MF practice. Due to this change, a significant increase in productivity and cost reduction were achieved. Studies on the reaction model and standardization regarding decarburizing practice and metallurgical behavior in reduction period are also presented.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003