Vol.15 (1983) No.1

Uumanned Operation of Yard Crane for Hot Steel Slabs

伊藤  進(Susumu Ito) 塚本  正(Tadashi Tsukamoto) 川村 幹夫(Mikio Kawamura) 佐藤 国広(Kunihiro Sato) 松山  昭(Akira Matsuyama) 石井 清生(Sugao Ishii)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The gage accuracy of strip coil in cold tandem mills has undergone much improvement with the evolution of control techniques. In the conventional analog speed control systems, however, rolling speed (specially at low-speed threading) at each stand was unable to be controlled accurately and cooperatively because of nonlinearity, thermal drift, etc., of transistor operated amplifiers. These phenomenon had harmful effects on gage control in coil threading and tailing-out, and/or accelerating of decelerating of rolling speed. Therefore, the all digital thyristor Leonard and the all digital speed master control system have been employed at Mizushima's 5-stand tandem cold mill. The new speed control system has produced remarkable results in gage control and improvement in productivity.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003