Vol.15 (1983) No.1

An Outline of New Electrogalvanizing Line (KM-RCEL)

薦田  章(Akira Komoda) 広岡 靖博(Yasuhiro Hirooka) 宮地 一明(Kazuaki Miyachi) 吉原 敬久(Takahisa Yoshihara) 松田  明(Akira Matsuda)安永 久雄(Hisao Yasunaga) 木村  肇(Hajime Kimura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A new electrogalvanizing line started its operation in January, 1982 at Chiba Works, Kawasaki Steel Corporation. Named KM-RCEL (Kawatetsu Multipurpose Radial Cell Electroplating Line), the new line has since been achieving successful production.
For the plating process, "CAROSEL" developed by U.S. Steel was selected for the sake of its technical potentiality and economic advantage. KM-RCEL is the world's first trial of both-side coating by "CAROSEL". Kawasaki Steel has incorporated its own ideas and improvements into this process, and has succeeded in manufacturing both-side products of excellent quality. As for one-side coating, "Perfect one-side" products are easily obtained as expected, and the uncoated surface has no throw-around of zinc which was unavoidable in conventional plating methods. This paper presents a brief introduction of KM-RCEL, putting stress on plating process, together with data on the qualities of its products. Features of this line are as follows: (1) A great saving in electric power consumption (2) A markedly easy operation using a unique consumable anode system (3) An attractive appearance of products with higher luster(4) Various facilities of post treatment for wide range of application (5) A large capability for future expansion.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003