Vol.14 (1982) No.4

Outline of Total Shipping Control System a Mizushima Works

梶原 重則(Shigenori Kajiwara) 増田 邦彦(Kunihiko Masuda) 谷利 修己(Osami Taniri) 山田 浩平(Kohei Yamada) 湯口 善彦(Yoshihiko Yuguchi) 名村 明教(Akiori Namura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
This Paper describes a recently developed total control system for finished products flow at Mizushima Works, Kawasaki Steel Corporation. This total control system covers the whole aspects in relation to shipping control, such as control measures for handling operations a warehouses and berth, flat car scheduling for shop to shop transportation and cargo scheduling. For this development, first of all the conventional systems of each shipping line have been unified and then the new control system with computer application re-established. In addition to the functional integration of shipping control mainly at Shipping Control Center, this total control system includes new developments in the online real time computer system with optical data highway, wireless computer terminals and commonly usable database. The new system enabled us to save transportation cost and manpower, and highly upgrade the control level for shipping.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003