Vol.14 (1982) No.4

Outline of 4400t Press and Manufacture of Large Forged Shell Rings

高田 政記(Masaaki Takada) 和中 宏樹(Hiroshige Wanaka) 朝生 一夫(Kazuo Asoh) 荒川 幸雄(Yukio Arakawa) 蓑  宏之(Hiroyuki Mino) 難波 明彦(Akihiko Nanba)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A unique 4400-ton hydraulic press has been installed in Mizushima Works in order to provide larger shell rings and wider forged plates. The new press based on Kawasaki Steel's original idea forges the shell rings with the outside diameter up to 8.5 m. By using new equipment and large hollow ingot up to 320 tons, forged shell rings have been made available for the reactor pressure vessels of nuclear power plants and oil refinery plants. Experimentally manufactured shell rings showed a uniform distribution of chemical composition and mechanical properties, thus suggesting their suitable application for pressure vessels.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003