Vol.14 (1982) No.4

Size Segregation of Sintered Iron Ore in the Charging System of a Bell-less Top Blast Furnace

福武 剛(Tsuyoshi Fukutake) 藤田 勉(Tsutomu Fujita) 田中 康雄(Yasuo Tanaka)
要旨 :
当社千葉第6高炉の装入原料粒度の経時的変化を調べる目的で,焼結鉱貯鉱槽と,サージホッパー炉頂バンカ間の模型により粒度偏析を調査した。貯鉱槽内における粒子のフローパターン,滞留時間分布および粒度変動測定の結果,粒子はfunnel flowを呈し,大きな粒度変動を生じることが判明した。貯鉱槽での粒度変動を低減させるために整流板を配置した。整流板形状の選択により,粒度変動が1/2〜1/3に低減することがわかった。さらに,ベルレス装入高炉の炉頂バンカの経時的粒度変化を明らかにするため,炉頂バンカ内粒子の滞留時間分布と粒度変化の測定を行った。その結果,整流板,filling chute を各槽に組み合わせて用いれば,炉頂バンカ内の粒度変化を制御できることが判明した。
Synopsis :
Size segregation of sinter in one bins and bunkers of the bell-less charging system was studied by using a small scale model of Chiba No.6 blast furnace. Observations of flow patterns by means of coloured particles and measurements of retention time distribution by the use of tracer particles were made to understand the size segregation behavior. A funnel flow and a wide variation in the size of discharged particles were observed in each bin or bunker. In the case of the ore bin, a decrease in size segregation was aimed at and a flow control insert of an appropriate size and location was found effecitive in decreasing size fluctuation by 1/2 to 2/3. Control of the manner of the size variation of the sinter as it was discharged from the furnace top bunker was studied for better control on burden distribution at the furnace top. It was found that a wide variety of the manners of size variation could be achieved by a combined use of a flow control insert and a filling chute at both the surge hopper and the furnace top bunker.
本文(PDF: 11P/392kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003