Vol.14 (1982) No.3

A New Technique for Hard-facing BF Large Bell

服部 源二(Genji Hattori) 和気 利明(Toshiaki Wake) 篠原 宏之(Hiroyuki Shinohara)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
To prolong the life of blast furnace charging apparatus such as bell and cup by hard-facing, submerged arc weldig has been usually adopted by using large-type positioner. In this method, work efficiency is low, because operators can use only one or two welding machines at one time and they have to work at an elevated spot, which lowers workability and raises positioner manufacturing cost. For these reasons, new welding method has been developed using a horizontal turning table and special welding manipulators. In this way, a multi number of welding machines can be operated simultaneously. The authours also investigated several materials for hard-facing and developed a suitable material which has been adopted to No.4 blast furnace large bell in Mizushima Works.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003