Vol.14 (1982) No.3

Ultimate Strength of Tee-shaoed Connection Sheet Piles for Cellular Sheet Pilings with Straigth Web Steel Sheet Piles

原  道彦(Michihiko Hara) 川井  豊(Yutaka Kawai) 山中 栄輔(Eisuke Yamanaka) 植木 八寿彦(Yasuhiko Ueki) 中川 宏夫(Hiroo Nakagawa)
要旨 :
本研究は,セル本体部と連結弧を結ぶT 形断面異形鋼矢板 (T矢板) の設計上不可欠な強度資料を得るため,在来型直線形鋼矢板 (継手保証強度400tf/m) および,高継手強度直線形鋼矢板 (継手保証強度600tf/m) を用いて,リベット接合,高力ボルト接合,溶接接合ならびにそれらを組合せた接合方法で合計16種類のT矢板を製作し,セル本体方向フープテンションとアーク部方向フープテンションの2方向の引張力を想定した引張り試験を実施した。これらの試験結果から,必要強度に応じた構造ディテールを選べる耐力線図を得るとともに,代表的接合形式に対しては,その最終耐力算定方法を示した。さらに,高継手強度直線形鋼矢用として接合部耐力が高く,かつ軽量の新しいT矢板を開発し,破壊試験によりその耐力を確認した。
Synopsis :
In cellular sheet piling structures, connection sheet piles, required at the interaction of walls between arc cells and circular cells, are subjected to the most severe stress and deformation conditions among structural components and so they may lead to fatal failures. For the purpose of studying ultimate strength of tee connection sheet piles, which are used for almost all types of cellular cofferdams in Japan and developing new connection sheet piles with higher strength, a series of two directional simultaneous tensile tests were conducted by using several types of about one-meter-long prototype tee connection sheet piles. For design purposes, test results obtained were illustrated as interaction curves of ultimate strength at connections concerning hoop tensiones in circular cells and arc cells for every structural details, and also etimation methods for ultimate strength of typical types of connections were discussed. Additional tensile tests were also conducted on three types of tee connection sheet piles for newly developed straight web sheet piles with higher inter-lock strength than that of coventional ones.
本文(PDF: 13P/497kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003