Vol.14 (1982) No.2

Laying works of Pipelines by Bottom Pull Method

加藤 親男(Chikao Kato) 上田 為敏(Tametoshi Ueda) 西沢 信二(Shinji Nishizawa) 佐々木 洋三(Yozo Sasaki) 堺  伸介(Shinsuke Sakai) 金野 春幸(Haryuki Konno)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Following the tendency of oillless operation of the blast funace since the "oil crisis", production volumes of coke and, in its turn, coke oven gas (C-gas) increased. This report describes the design and construction of underwater pipelines through which Mizushima Works sends low cost C-ges and nitrogen gas in prallel across the Takahachi river to Tamashima factory of Kawatetsu Galvanizing Co., Ltd. It was decided to use a grab dredger for dredgng work decause of the narrow width of dredging, large volume of dredged soil, easy disposal of dredged soil to the limited area and excellent soil condition of tha river bed. For the pipe laying method, it was decided to adopt the Bottom Pull Method, which is not so easily affected by the weather condition, because the pipe route was chosen to be straight in plane and sufficient space was available for constructing an extension line to the underwater pipeline. This pipeline construction was started in May,1981 and main works were complated in September, but appurtenant works are now being done, and gas supply is to be started in December, 1981.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003