Vol.13 (1981) No.4

A Multi-Cylindrical Model of Blast Furnace

板谷   宏(Hiroshi Itaya) 荒谷 復夫(Fukuo Aratani) 可児   明(Akira Kani) 清原 庄三(Shozo Kiyohara)
要旨 :
高炉の操業条件,シャフトガスサンプラーの測定値などから炉内温度分布,半径方向の装入物降下速度分布などを推定する多重同心円モデルを開発し,このモデルによる推定結果と高炉の操業実績との対応を検討した。本モデルは高炉の操業状態をよく表し,以下のことがあきらかとなった。(1) 装入物降下速度分布は炉況に大きな影響をおよぼす。(2) 炉口部半径方向の温度分布は炉内熱流比分布と等価である。(3) 熱損失は炉壁際融着帯位置の影響を受ける。(4) 炉下部滴下帯の大きさは炉熱に大きな影響をおよぼす。
Synopsis :
A multi-cylindrical model of the blast furnace was developed. It was intended to estimate the temperature profile, radial distribution of the burden descending rate, and ore/coke ratio, by using various operating conditions and measurements with a shaft gas sampler. Calculated values were compared with operational date of the blast furnace, giving good agreement. This model was found to be able to describe operating conditions of the blast fornace. By making use of the model the following results were obtained: (1) Radial distribution of the burden descending rate has a great effect on the operating state of the blast furnace. (2) Radial distribution of temperature at the throat is equivalent to that of the thermal flow ratio of the burden and gas. (3) Heat loss is dependent on the height of the cohesive zone at the wall side and decreases with a decrease in height.(4) Thermal state of the blast furnace depends on the extent of the high teperature region.
本文(PDF: 10P/311kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003