Vol.13 (1981) No.4

Development of Continuous Measuring Method of Heat Pattern in Sintering Bed and Its Application to Actual Operation

安本 俊治(Shunji Yasumoto) 田中   周(Syu Tanaka)
要旨 :
焼結過程における熱焼溶融帯の特性は,焼結鉱の品質,生産性へ大きく影響を及ぼす。燃焼溶融帯の特性を,温度の経時変化(ヒートパターン)として,実機で連続的に25回測定できる装置を開発した。本装置は,シース熱電対とその保護金具およびテレメートリー装置とから構成されている。本装置で得られたデータに近似関数式を適用して指数化を行なった。現在まで得られた結果を要約すると下記の通りである。(1) SIと900℃レベルでの保熱指数Q900との間に良好な正相関々係が認められた。(2) 製品中FeOは,1100℃レベルでの冷却指数CT1100あるいは層内最高温度ΤMとの間に正相関々係が認められた。
Synopsis :
In order to control productivity and the quality of sinter, the characteristics of the combustion zone in the sintering bed are important. Therefore, a continuous measuring apparatus of the heat pattern was developed. Through the use of this apparatus, about 25 cycles of the heat pattern can be measured. This apparatus consists of three parts, i.e., a metal-sheathed thermocouple, its protector and telemetry equipment. For the heat pattern obtained by this apparatus,two indexes, the Q value and CT value, are defined. The Q value is estimated by an integration temperature curve above 900℃, and the CT value is estimated by cooling rate from peak to 1100℃. Results so far obtained through the use of the apparatus are summurized as follows. (1) There is a correlation between the Q value and shatter strength. (2) There are simple correlations between FeO content in sinter and two other values of CT and peak temperature in sintering bed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003