Vol.13 (1981) No.4

Minimization of Degradation of Philippine Sintered Ore

大島 位至(Takashi Oshima) 早瀬 鉱一(Kouichi Hayase) 佐藤 幸男(Yukio Satoo)
要旨 :
千葉製鉄所の粗鋼年産850万t体制の一環として焼結工業(500万t/年)をフィリッピン・ミンダナオ島に建設した。海外に焼結工場を建設するにあたり最大の問題は,焼結鉱の粉化であった。工場建設に先立ち,焼結鉱の粉化の実態を調査し,下記の粉化防止対策を実施した。すなわち設備面では(1) 小径プーリーの採用,(2) 船艙にスライドシュートの設置,(3) バースの増強,操業面では(1) 硬度焼結鉱の製造,(2) スタッカー・ブーム位置の低下による落差の減少,(3) 小塊焼結鉱の使用,である。以上の対策により最終紛率16.5%を達成した。またフィリッピン焼結鉱は,常温強度および被還元性が優れており高炉の安定操業および低燃料比操業の達成に大きく寄与している。
Synopsis :
As a part of the project for 8.5 million ton crude steel a year at Chiba Works, a sinter plant of 5 million tons a year was built in Mindanao Island of the Philippines. One of the biggest problems encountered in the sinter plant project abroad was the degradation of sintered ore during transportation. Investigations for minimizing degradation were carried out, and countermeasures were executed in both equipment and operation, as follows: Countermeasures in equipment (1) Adoption of mini-diameter pulleys (2) Installation of slide chutes in holds of ships (3) Installation of a new unloading berth in Chiba Works Countermeasures in operation (1) Production of high strength sintered ore (2) Decrease in drop height by keeping booms of stackers as low as possible to the stockpile of sintered ore in yard (3) Recovery of small-sized sintered ore from screened undersize By the above-mentioned countermeasures, a final fine rate of 16.5% was achieved. Besides, Philippinesintered ore has an excellent shatter index and high reducibility and has contributed greatly to the stable operation and low fuel rate of blast furnaces.
本文(PDF: 9P/265kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003