Vol.13 (1981) No.3

Dredging of Extremely Weak Ground and Consolidation of the Soil

西山  領(Satoru Nishiyama) 内河 栄作(Eisaku Uchikawa) 城  郁夫(Ikuo Jo)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Since the area of the proposed yard for disposing of various wastes generated at Chiba Works is extremely weak ground, a dredging and consolidation method mainly employing a special grab dradger and mixing plant has been developed and put into actual use. The soil disposal is divided into sea dumping and land dumping, In land dumping, cement and LD slug are added to the soil and mixed by the mixing plant. The mixture has become consolidated soil that can be used in the same way as ordinary earth and gravel. The dredging of the weak ground will be completed by June, 1982 and reclamation and land formation with wastes will be completed by 1987.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003