Vol.13 (1981) No.3

Applicability of Laser Welding to Steel Strip for Cold Rolling

佐々木 弘明(Hiroaki Sasaki) 西山  昇(Noboru Nishiyama) 坪井 潤一郎(Jun-ichiro Tsuboi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Applicability of the CO**2 laser welding to hot-rolled steel coils for a higher efficiency production of cold rolled steel strip is discussed with emphasis on how to determine welding conditions best suited to each production line and on increasing fit-up tolerance. Rollability of welds is evaluated in rimmed, killed, and silicon steels by using reverse bend test and miniature mill rolling. As a result, the CO**2 laser welding is found applicable to cold-rolled sheet steel production, and the weld joints of 3% silicon steel have shown good rollability.
本文( PDF: 8P/291kb )

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003