Vol.13 (1981) No.3

A New Rolling Method of Slabs into Beam Blanks for Large H-shapes

柳沢 忠昭(Tadaaki Yanagisawa) 田中 輝昭(Teruaki Tanaka) 山下 政志(Masashi Yamasita) 奥村  寛(Hiroshi Okumura) 草場  隆(Takashi Kusaba) 
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A new beam blank rolling method was developed to produce H-shapes from slabs instead of ingots. The one of the key point of this method is to form a homogeneous shape of the dog-bone which is obtained after edging rolling of a slab by calibers with belly and the other imsto form two flanges of a beam blank effectively by web partial rolling, which makes few elongation along the rolling direction during rolling. This development has been applied to produce all series of large H-shapes from continuously cast slabs without using of the blooming mill, on the wide flange beam mill at Mizushima Works. The effects are follws. (a) Improvement on yield (product/crude steel): 12% (b) Energy saving: 150×10**3 kcal/t (c) Improvement on H-shapes quality; Few surface and internal defects
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003