Vol.13 (1981) No.2

Degradation of Coke and Char during Solution Loss Reaction

神下  護(Mamoru Kamishita) 小笠原 武司(Takeshi Ogasawara) 谷原 秀太郎(Hidetaro Tanihara)
要旨 :
非原料炭である低品位石炭を原料炭と比較するために,高炉内で想定される反応条件下でガス化させ,気孔構造との関連で反応性と反応による劣化を検討した。その結果 (1) 反応性に関しては,低品位炭の高反応性は低石炭化度であることに起因する,(2) 気孔構造については,原料炭コークスではマクロ気孔がほとんどであるのに対し,低品位炭チャーでは,低石炭化度炭の場合は高度にミクロ気孔が発達し,高石炭化度炭の場合は気孔そのものの存在に乏しい,(3) さらには,コークスはマクロ気孔が開口している点で特徴づけられるのに対し,チャーは閉気孔をかなり多く含んでいる,(4) その結果として,ガス化反応による強度低下は,反応率基準ではチャーよりもコークスで大きくなる,ことなどが明らかになった。
Synopsis :
In order to find its feasibility as blast furnace coke feedstock, non-metallugical coal was compared with metallurgical coal in term of reactivity and degradation during CO**2 gasification reaction, with emphasis on the difference between the pore structure of coke and that of char. The results obtained were: (1) the higher reactivity of non-metallurgical coal char is due to the simple fact that their coal rank is lower, (2) though the pore structure of metallurgical coke is composed mainly of macropores, pore walls of char are either abundant in micropores when the rank is low, or prectically nil in any size when the rank is rather high, (3) open macropores characterize the pore structure of coke, while char has a considerable number of closed pores, and consequently, (4) the deterioration of the structural strength of coke becomes greater than that of char as the gasification reaction proceeds.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003