Vol.13 (1981) No.2

厚板圧延における新平面形状制御法の開発 ―差厚幅出し圧延法―
Development of New Plan View Pattern Control in Plate Rolling

饗場 満雄(Mitsuo Aiba) 千貫 昌一(Masakazu Sengan) 渡辺 秀規(Hideki Watanabe) 塚原 戴司(Taiji Tsukahara) 高橋 祥之(Shyoji Takahashi) 奥村 健人(Taketo Okumura) 金田 欣亮(Yoshiaki Kaneda)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Recently techniques to improve material yield in plate rolling have made rapid progress. Among them, the progress of the plan veiw pattern control rolling, represented by MAS rolling and others, is remarkable. The authors have developed another plan view pattern control rolling, which can be easily applied to existing mills. The new method is characterized by the inclination of rolls during rolling. All that is required to make the plan view pattern rectangular is modify the shapes of nonuniformly deformed portiones which are liable to generate at both leading and tailing ends of the plate. In spite of its easy application, this method can improve material yield by 1%. Satisfactory results are being obtained by its application to the plate mill of Chiba Works at Kawasaki Steel Corporation.
本文(PDF: 10P/316kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003