Vol.13 (1981) No.1

Seel Sheet Deformation Behavior and Forming Load Determination in the 26-inch Cage Forming ERW Pipe Mill

横山 栄一(Eiichi Yokoyama) 富岡 高明(Takaaki Toyooka) 江島 彬夫(Akio Ejima) 吉本 勇三(Yuzo Yoshimoto) 河手 崇男(Takao Kawate) 桑田 一義(Kazuyoshi Kuwata)
要旨 :
26インチケージロール式電縫鋼管ミルの成形過程中の材料の変形挙動(ひずみ履歴,投影軌跡,フラワー形状)およびフィンパス,スクイズロール成形荷重について調査し,以下の結果を得た。(1) エッジの長手方向ひずみはゲージゾーン内ではゆるやかな変化を示すのみであるが,フィンパスロール進入前後には圧縮も含む急激な変化を受ける。(2) No.1フィンパス成形ではエッジの増肉変形が主体であるのに対し,No.2フィンパス成形では円周方向にほぼ均等な絞り変形が行われる。(3) 成形荷重は材料の強度と板厚および成形絞り量に依存し,近似的には管周方向圧縮に要する力と曲げに要する力の和として関数化される。
Synopsis :
Behavior of steel sheet deformation as expressed in stain history, projection trace and forming flowers, and methods of determining forming load at fin pass rolls and squeeze rolls have been investigated in the 26-inch cage forming ERW pipe mill. The results are as follows: (1) For the longitudinal strain of the sheet edge, only a gentle deformation is observed in the cage forming zone, while a considerably rapid deformation consistiog mainly of tension and including compression is noticed at the time of passing through each fin pass roll. (2) The local increase in wall-thickness around the sheet edge is caused mainly by No.1 fin pass roll forming. On the contrary, almost uniform compressive deformation is conducted by No.2 fin pass roll forming. (3) The forming load, which depends strongly on the strength and wall-thickness of sheet, can be expressed by the summation of forces which are necessary for the circumferential reduction and the bending of sheet.
本文(PDF: 13P/412kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003