Vol.13 (1981) No.1

Automatic Rolling System of Medium Diameter Seamless Pipe by Process Computer Control

佐山 泰弘(Yasuhiro Sayama) 冨樫 房夫(Fusao Togashi) 江島 彬夫(Akio Ejima) 阿倍 英夫(Hideo Abe) 船生  豊(Yutaka Funyu) 桜田 和之(Kazuyuki Sakurada) 間口 龍郎(Tatsuro Maguchi) 田口 芳男(Yoshio Taguchi) 
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Heavy steel plates are incresingly demmanded by many industrial sectors, and the quality requirements for reliabilty are getting more stringent. In order to meet these requirements, Kawasaki Steel Corp. has developed manufacturing techniques for ultra-wide and heavy steel plates up to 5300mm in width and 95 tons in unit product weight through the establishment of techniques for removing phoshorus, sulfur, and hydrogen, as well as the study of optimum shape of mold for large ingot.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003