Vol.12 (1980) No.4

条溝突起付 H 形鋼を用いた鉄骨コンクリート部材の構造特性とその応用
Mechanical Characteristics and Application of Steel Concrete Structures using Newlu Developed H-Shapes

佐藤 政勝(Masakatu Sato) 石渡 正夫(Masao Ishiwatari) 近藤 伸治(Sinji Kondo) 山中 栄輔(Eisuke Yamanaka)
要旨 :
新たに開発した条溝付H 形鋼の付着性実験と,このH 形鋼を用いた鉄鋼コンクリート (SC) 梁および鉄鋼鉄筋コンクリート (SRC) 梁の曲げ試験を行い次の結果を得た。(1) 条溝付H 形鋼のコンクリートとの付着応力は,普通H 形鋼のそれの3〜5倍の値を示す。(2) 条溝付H 形鋼を用いたSC 梁およびSRC 梁のひび割れ幅は,普通H 形鋼のそれよりも約30%小さい。これは,このH 形鋼の使用により許容応力度をもっと高くとり得ることを示唆している。(3) 条溝付H 形鋼を用いたSC 梁およびSRC 梁は破壊にいたるまで,完全一体の挙動を示した。H 形鋼の応力度は鉄筋コンクリートと同様の計算で求めた値によく一致した。条鋼付H 形鋼を用いたH 埋込桁橋を建設し,現在供用中である。
Synopsis :
Pull-out and push-out tests of newly developed H-shapes with lateral lugs on the outside surfaces of flanges, and bending tests on SC and SRC beams made of these lugged H-shapes were carried out in our laboratories. As a result of experiments, the following points were confirmed. (1) Maximum bond stresses between concrete and lugged H-shapes were 3 to 5 times as high as those between concrete and the conventional ones without lug. (2) Maximum crack width on SC beams made of lugged H-shapes was approx. 30% smaller than that of SC beams made of the conventional ones. This indicates that higher allowable stress can be adopted in design of SC and SRC structures by the use of lugged H-shapes. (3) The bond between lugged H-shapes and concrete was so good that even under the ultimate strength forSC and SRC beams, no slip was observerd. Based on the foregoing, SC structures made of lugged H-shapes were found to be nearly equivalent to that of RC structures using large-diameter deformed steel bars D51. Currently , SC slabs made of lugged H-shapes are designed and constructed for practical services.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003