Vol.12 (1980) No.4

Development of Zinc-Aluminum Composite Electroplated Steel Sheet with High Corrosion Resistance

木村  肇(Hajime Kimura) 吉原 敬久(Takahisa Yoshihara) 原田 俊一(Shun-ichi Harada)
要旨 :
分散したAI粒子を含有する新たに開発した浴中で電気めっきすることにより,AI粒子がZnめっき層中に均一に分布した複合めっき鋼板が得られる。塩水噴霧試験による耐食性はめっき層中のAI含有量の増加とともに飛躍的に改良される。スポット溶接性,深絞り性,電着塗料の密着性は電気Znめっき鋼板よりすぐれている。防食機構の電気化学解析から,めっき層中に共存するAI粒子のカソード反応はAI表面上の電気抵抗性皮膜の存在によって抑制され,その結果,めっき層中のZn の溶解が顕著に抑制されるものと考えられる。さらに,鋼帯に連続的にZn‐AI複合電気めっきを施す技術をパイロットラインスケールで確認した。
Synopsis :
The corrosion resistance of electrogalvanized steel sheet has been significantly improved by codeposition of metallic aluminum particles into zinc layer. Such composite coating is obtained by electrolytic plating in a newly developed bath which contains aluminum particles dispersed. Aluminum particles are distributed uniformly in the plated layer. The corrosion resistance by salt spray test is markedly improved with an increase in aluminum content in the plated layer. Its spot weldability, drawability and ED-paint adhesion are superior to those of electrogalvanized steel sheet. Electrochemical studies suggest that codeposited aluminum particles in the plated layer act as cathodes but the cathode reaction is suppressed by some electroresistive film on the aluminum surface, and, as a result, anodic dissolution of zinc in the plated layer is remarkably suppressed. The techniques of continuous Zn-AI composite electroplated coating on steel coils have been established in the scale of pilot line.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003