Vol.12 (1980) No.3

Techniques for Width Changing Sequence Casting of Different Steel Grades

飯田 義治(Yoshiharu Iida) 大森  尚(Hisashi Omori) 前田 瑞夫(Mizuo Maeda) 小島 信司(Shinji Kojima) 越川 隆雄(Takao Koshikawa)
要旨 :
スラブ連鋳様において鋳造中幅変更の一つの方式は,鋳造速度を減少しないで実施するもので,この場合スラブにテーパーがつくので,圧延工程に幅制御機能が必要である。他の方式は鋳造を一旦停止して実施,この場合は継ぎ目部に発生する段階状の部分を切断する必要がある。一方,異鋼種連々鋳造技術は,前ヒートの凝固シェル内部に冷却材を投入して,後ヒートとの間の隔壁形成を促進する方法で,鋳片の接続は凝固シェルの融着により,所要時間が短いため,継ぎ目部の連鋳機に与える損傷が少ない。また,化学成分の分離が良好である。これらの技術により下記の成果が得られ,連鋳機1台で年間約11.7億円の利益を得ている。(1) 生産性向上:40〜50% (2) 歩溜り向上:0.9% (3) 熱量原単位削減:30〜50% (4) 耐火物原単位削減:40〜50%
Synopsis :
Two different techniques were developed for changing slab width during continuous casting. In one way, casting is continued without decreasing its speed. In this case, some vertical edges at rolling process are needed for correcting tapered portion of casting slab. In the other way, casting is paused, and step-like part connecting two slabs should be scrapped. On the other hand, sequence casting of different steel grades is also developed, in which solidified shell between heats is formed by the use of coolant set into the mold. The cast slabs of different grades are connected with each other in a short time by the solidified shell, resulting in complete separation of chemical composition and hardly any damage to casting machine. The results of these techniques are as follows, with reduction of the production cost by about 1170 million yen annually for one casting machine: (1) Increased productivity: 40〜50% (2) Improvement of yield: 0.9% (3) Reduction of heat consumption: 30〜50% (4) Reduction of refractory consumption: 40〜50%
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003