Vol.12 (1980) No.2

Features of 1800t/h Unloader

大橋 卓朗(Takuro Ohashi) 小西 晴彦(Haruhiko Konishi) 品川 英一(Eiichi Shinagawa) 池田  信(Makoto Ikeda)
要旨 :
千葉製鉄所の本工場Jバースに第6高炉関連設備として設置し,昭和53年10月より稼動を開始した本アンローダー2基は,能力1800t/h (吊荷重 60t) ロープトローリー型では我が国最大級のものである。この設備は,海外焼結鉱および石炭の水揚げを目的とした荷役作業の高効率化を図ったもので,主要構造部に耐疲労性構造の採用,運転室の環境改善,焼結鉱の粉化防止および発塵防止その他の環境対策等を積極的に講じている。また,据付工事では大ブロック工法を取入れ,工期の短縮を図り,工場組立によって組立精度を上げ設備を上げ設備の信頼性を高めた。
Synopsis :
The newly-built "J" berth of Chiba Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp. has two unloaders in operation since October 1978 as an integral function of No.6 blast furnace complex. Each has a 1800t/h unloading capacity, the largest of the rope-trolley type in Japan, with max. lifting capacity of 60t. Installed to upgrade unloading efficiency of imported sinter and coal, the unloaders have the following features in structure and their constructing method: (1) Fatigue-resistant structure employed for main component sections (2) Improved environment in the operating room (3) Pulverization prevention of sintered ore (4) Prevention of dust generation and other active measures taken for environmental control (5) Use of the large block engineering method at the installation stage for reduction of construction period, and (6) At-site assemble for higher accuracy assembly and an overall equipment reliability.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003