Vol.12 (1980) No.2

Crystallographic Orientation Determination of Small Areas in Grain Oriented Sillicon Steel by Transmission Kossel Technique

井口 征夫(Yukio Inokuti) 清水  洋(Yoh Shimizu) 嶋中  浩(Hiroshi Shimanaka)
要旨 :
以下の特徴を有するコッセル装置を新たに製作した。(1) 何枚も装入できるコッセルカメラと,走査像に用いる際の発散X線との共用で,5〜20μmの微細領域から多数のコッセル回析像が得られる。(2) 電子光学系に特殊なアパーチャを採用することにより,走査像とコッセル像の像質を同時に向上できる。(3) コンピュータ・チャート法の使用により,結晶方位解析が2〜3minでできる。この装置を用いて3%珪素高の2次再結晶初期の1次粒と2次粒の方位を測定し次の結果を得た。a)(111)[112]の1次粒は(110)[001]の2次粒に蚕食されやすく,(100)[011],(100)[001],(100)[012]の1次粒に蚕食されにくい。b)(110)[001]の2次粒と接する(100)[001]の1次粒は,850℃で17hの焼鈍後においてもひずみが存在する。c)(110)[001]の2次粒内には約8°の方位差が存在する。d)圧延方向に平行な側面の粒界近傍から得られた(200)コッセル線は幅広がりをおこす。
Synopsis :
The characteristics of a new Kossel apparatus and technique are: (1) A camera loaded with a number of film cassets and a divergent X-ray beam generated by scanning electron image enable one to obtain with ease Kossel diffraction patterns from a number of small areas election image enable one to obtain with ease Kossel diffraction patterns from a number of small areas (5〜20μm in diameter). (2) By adopting a modified aperture in the electron system, the high resolution in a scanning image and the sharp contrast of Kossel patterns are simultaneously obatained. (3) Using the computer chart method, a crystallographic orientation can be determined in a time of 2〜3 minutes. By using this apparatus, the orientation analysis of primary and secondary grains of 3% silicon steel was carried out in an incipient stage during secondary recrystallization. I was observed that a) The (110)[001] secondary grain consumes primary grains of (111)[112] more easily than those of (100)[011], (100)[001] and (100)[012]. b)The (100)[011] primary grain neighboring with the (110)[001] secondary grain shows diffused Kossel diffraction lines, even after annealed at 850℃ for more than 15 hours. c) Within one secondary grain is found a spread in orientation which amounts up 8°. d) Only (200) Kossel line diffuses in the vicinity of grain boundaries parallel to the rolling direction in an elongated secondary grain.
本文(PDF: 10P/454kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003