Vol.12 (1980) No.2

Development of Slag Sand Manufacturing Plant

田中 秀幸(Hideyuki Tanaka) 青木 幹男(Mikio Aoki) 竹林 清吉(Seikichi Takebeyashi) 荒谷 復夫(Fukuo Aratani) 石原  甫(Hajime Ishihara) 花水  巌 (Iwao Hanamizu) 馬場 利治(Toshiharu Baba) 山田 孝雄(Takao Yamada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
With natural sand getting short and the drive for presevation of nature turning active in recent years, blast furnace slag has been expanding its status as a possible effective resource for concrete aggregate. After some two years 'R & D effort for developing a sufficient concrete aggregate from blast furnace slag, Mizushima Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp. succeeded in a pilot plant operation where molten slan is cooled to a preset temperature with KN-type slag cooler, and then granulated using the conventional granulation process. In March 1979, the plant was placed in an industrial scale operation, directly connected to the molten slag runner of No.2 blast furnace, making a smooth production of slag sand ever since.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003