Vol.12 (1980) No.2

Atomized Iron Powder Plant and Product Quality

藤川 允文(Takafumi Fujikawa) 前田 義昭(Yoshiaki Maeda) 安田 勢二(Seiji Yasuda) 野中  浩(Hiroshi Nonaka) 伊藤 俊治(Shunji Ito) 新田  稔(Minoru Nitta)
要旨 :
1978年4月溶接棒・鉄粉工場(千葉製鉄所内)において,粉末冶金用鉄粉の製造を目的とした生産能力400t/month(第1期工場計画分)のアトマイズ鉄粉製造設備の操業を開始した。5t電気炉で種々の鋼種に溶製した溶鋼は,当社技術研究所で開発した水アトマイズ法により粉化され鉄粉となる。この鉄粉は,市販のアトマイズ鉄粉に比べて,純度・圧縮度・成形性が優れ,粉末冶金用高密度鉄粉として適切である。(1) 品質の安定した鉄粉の製造 (2) 発塵,排水に対する公害防止 (3) スラリーや鉄粉の搬送を中心とした自動化と消化力化 (4) 異種鋼紛の混入防止
Synopsis :
In April 1978, the welding electorode and iron powder plant at Chiba Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp. started the manufacture of atomized iron powder for powder metalurgy with 400t/month capacity as the first stage. Various types of steels melted in the 5t electric furnace are pulvarized into iron powder with the water atomizing method developed by Research Laboratories. This iron powder exceeds commercial-grade atomized iron powder in purity, compressibility and compactibility, and is best suited to high density iron powder for powder metallurgh use. For its industrialization, special attention is paid to the following points: (1) Manufacture of iron powder of stable quality, (2) Prevention of environmental pollution caused by dust teneration and water effluence, (3) Automatization and labor-saving centered on transportation of slurry and iron powder, and (4) Prevention of mixing foreign powders.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003