Vol.12 (1980) No.2

Improved Productivity Using Bottom Blown Converters

太田 豊彦(Toyohiko Ohta) 三枝  誠(Makoto Saigusa) 永井  潤(Jun Nagai) 数土 文夫(Fumio Sudo) 中西 恭二(Kyoji Nakanishi)  野崎  努(Tsutomu Nozaki) 内村 良治(Ryoji Uchimura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A higher productivity of converter derives from an advanced development in techniques concerning the blowing operation and the refractories suitable for long life performance of the furnace. Therefore, the metal-lurgical mechanisms of decarburization and dephosphorization in the bottom blown converter were quantitatively analyzed in relation with the mixing energy of the bath. A sensor lance, installed along the center axis of the furnace at its upright position, which was the first application to the bottom blown converters in the world, gives sufficient informations fit for the dynamic control of the blowing process. Through concentrated efforts, a high end-point hitting ratio of 98.8% was successfully achieved in July 1979, in terms of both carbon content and bath temperature at the same time. The precise and stable end-point contrlo has complated the QDT(Quick and Direct Tapping without end-point sampling) technique, which, together with refractory improvement, has enabled Chiba Works to attain the world record of bottom refractory life amounting to 2063 heats in April 1980.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003