Vol.12 (1980) No.1

Mechanical Properties of Head Plates Formed ar(α+γ)Phase Temperature Range

石川 正明 (Masaaki Ishikawa) 上田 修三 (Syuzo Ueda) 楠原 祐司 (Yuji Kusuhara) 小林 英司 (Eiji Kobayashi) 猪又 克郎 (Katsuro Inomata) 浜田 晋作 (Shinsaku Hamada)
要旨 :
A516-70,A387-12 Class2およびA387-12 Class2鋼の鏡板の材質に及ぼす(α+γ)2相域成形の影響についてシュミレーション試験および実際の鏡板を用いた試験を行なった。γ域の温度に加熱し,(α+γ)域の温度で加工する熱間プレス工程では,成形後のSRにより3鋼種とも良好な引張・衝撃特性を示す。これは成形後の焼きならし処理省略の可能性を示唆している。(α+γ)域のほぼ中央の温度域で加熱・成形する熱間スピニング工程でも,A516-70およびA387-12鋼の場合には,成形後のSRにより,基本的な機械的性質は十分な値が得られる。しかしA387-22鋼の場合は,同様の処理ではY.S,.T.S.とも低く,再焼ならし処理が必要である。これらの特性は顕微鏡組織観察結果に基づいて考察されている。
Synopsis :
The effects of hot-forming at α+γ temperature range and subsequent heat treatments of steel plates on their mechanical properties have been investigated. ASTM-A516-70, A387-12 and A387-22 steel plates were used for laboratory studies and for actual head plate forming experiments. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The hot-press forming process which consists of a heating at a temperature in γrange and a press forming at temperatures in α+γrange during cooling gives good tensile and impact properties to all steels after only stress-relieving heat treatment. This suggests a possibility of elimination of normalizing treatment which is useally conducted after press-forming. (2) The hot-spinning forming process which consists of a heating and a spinning forming at temperatures in approximately mid-range of α+γ gives good tensile and impact properties for A516-70 and A387-12 steels after only stress-relieving heat treatment. For A387-22 steel in this process, however, normalizing treatment after spinning forming should not be omitted to give an optimum yield and tensile strengths. The foregoing properties of head plates have been endorsed by metallographic observations.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003