Vol.11 (1979) No.4

An Outline of New Finishing Yard for Parallel Flange Beam at Hanshin Works, Kawasaki Steel Corp.

上野 利夫(Toshio Ueno) 松室 知視(Tomomi Matsumuro) 前山 公夫(Kimio Maeyama) 分田  実(Minoru Waketa) 安田 健二郎(Kenjiro Yasuda) 田中  茂(Shigeru Tanaka)
要旨 :
葺合地区の条鋼精設備は,(1) 騒音対策,(2) 省力,(3) 能力増の三つの目的で1977年3月にリプレースを完了した。(1) については10dB の騒音低下,(2) については38名の省力, (3) については33000t/month から 45000t/month への能力アップを実現した。本報では建設に際しての基本構想,設備の概要について報告する。
Synopsis :
The expansion and modernization of the final process for the parallel flange beam was finished in March, 1977, aimed at a decrease of noise, labor-saving and an increase of production capacity. As a result, the noise-cutting of some 10dB, the labor-saving of 46 workers and the increase of production capacity from 33000 to 45000 t/month were successfully achieved. This report describes basic idea and engineering in planning the new finishing yard, and the main specifications of the newly employed equipment which mainly contributed to realizing the above improvements.
本文(PDF: 16P/620kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003