Vol.11 (1979) No.4

Study on Continuous Rolling of Sheet Piling

笹田 幹雄(Mikio Sasada) 田中 輝昭(Teruaki Tanaka) 三浦  恒(Hisashi Miura) 村上 進次郎(Shinjiro Murakami) 小松 重之(Shigeyuki Komatsu)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A continuous rolling method of sheet piling on the medium flange beam mill was developed at Mizushima Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp., with its commercial production satisfactorily under way since June 1978. The advantages of continuous rolling of sheet pilings are as follows: (1) High rolling efficiency, (2) Minimizing of temperature drop during rolling, (3) Prevention from a joint profile deformation at the bottom and top of sheet pilings. Sheet pilings with high accuracy were obtained after studying relations between rolling characteristics such as forward slip, backward slip, reduction, rolling tension, the change of cross-section profile and rolling pressure.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003