Vol.11 (1979) No.3

Development of Surface Temperature Control in Slab Caster

飯田 義治(Yoshiharu Iida) 児玉 正範(Masanori Kodama) 鈴木 康治(Koji Suzuki) 山崎 順次郎(Junjiro Yamazaki) 小島 信司(Shinji Kojima)
要旨 :
スラブ連鋳機における2次冷却帯での鋳片温度制御は鋳片の表面欠陥防止面で特に重要である。水島製鉄所No.6連鋳機において表面温度制御機能を有する2次冷却自動制御システムが完成し次のように操業,品質ともに順調に稼動している。(1) 鋳片表面温度の目標冷却パターンに対す制御精度±15℃以内となり従来の速度カスケード制御法に比べて大幅に向上した。(2) 含Nb, V, AI 鋼で発生しやすかった横割れが大幅に減少しほとんど皆無となった。
Synopsis :
Slab temperature control in the secondary cooling zone of continuous caster is important to prevent surface defects. In No.6 C.C. machine at Mizushima Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp., an automatic surface temperature control system was developed and has been working satisfactorily with such performances as follows: (1) The deviation from aimed cooling curve of slab surface temperature in this system was considerably corrected to become better than the conventional speed cascade control. It is now constantly controlled with in the range of ±15℃. (3) The transverse cracks on the surface of steel slabs containing V, Nb and AI were remarkably decreased to a negligible level.
本文(PDF: 13P/385kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003