Vol.11 (1979) No.3

Bell-less Top Operation at Chiba No.2 Blast Furnace

栗原 淳作(Junsaku Kurihara) 高橋 洋光(Hiromitsu Takahashi) 奥村 和男(Kazuo Okumura) 苅込 洋一(Yoichi Karikome) 岡部 侠児(Kyoji Okabe) 近藤 幹夫(Mikio Kondo)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A bell-less top has been installed for the 4th campaign of Chiba No.2 blast furnace in due consideration of its high flexibility in controlling burden distribution in the furnace. Before blowing-in, tests were conducted to obtain comprehensive information about the burden distribution by using the full-scale top for No.2 blast furnace as well as a reduced-scale model. ITV-systemm and mechanical profile meter for observing the motion and piling behavior of burden materials have been developed and installed to fully utilize the flexibility of the bell-less top. Various charging patterns were tried in actual operation. As a result, the control method of the burden distribution has been established to meet any operational requirement, either for full-capacity or reduced, as well as foundary pig iron production. Furthermore, the charging method for small size sinter has been newly developed to reduce the overall cost of pig iron.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003