Vol.11 (1979) No.2

Removal of Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Formation of Ferric Hydroxide Flocs

内野 和博(Kazuhiro Uchino) 小笠原 武司(Takeshi Ogasawara)
要旨 :
鉄塩を利用した廃水処理法の一つとして,Fe(OH)3 沈殿の生成による有害イオンの除去について実験をおこなった。Fe3+ が数十mg/l〜数十g/lの溶液からFe(OH)3沈殿を生成する場合,pH=6.0〜9.0で最も濾過性がよく安定になる。除去されるイオンの適用濃度範囲は数mg/l〜数百mg/lである。重金属陽イオンはFe(OH)3との共沈により,またFe3+と難溶性塩をつくらないCro4(2-)などの陰イオンは,pH≦7で沈殿への吸着により除去される。これらに対するFe3+の必要添加量はモル比で数十倍程度である。一方PO4(3-)などの陰イオンはpH≦7で主として難溶性塩の生成により除去され,Fe3+の添加は数倍で十分である。またCro4(2-)については室温,pH=6でのFe(OH)3沈殿との吸着平衡についても考察した。
Synopsis :
Removal of some hazardous jons from aqueous solutions by the formation of ferric hydroxide flocks has been investigated under various conditions. Fe(OH)3 flocks were most stable and easily filtered when formed form solution of pH 6〜9, which contained 50mg/l〜50g/l of Fe(3+) In this method, the concentration range of ions to be removed was 1mg/l〜1g/l. Heavy metal cations such as Cu(2+), Cd(2+) and Pb(2+) were removed by copercipitation with the Fe(OH)3 flocks, and anions such as CrO4(2-) that did not from in soluble salts with Fe(3+) were removed by adsorption on the flocks below pH7. Necessary addition of Fe(3+) was about 20 to 30 times of these ions in molar ratio. Anions such as PO4(3-) that formed slightly soluble salts with Fe(3+) were removed mainly by the formation of the salts below pH7, and in this case, the necessary molar ratio of Fe(3+) to these ions was 2 to 3 times. Discussions are also made on the adsorption equilibrium of chromium(Y) with the Fe(OH)3 flocks at room temperature and a constant pH of about 6.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003