Vol.11 (1979) No.1

Development of a New Aluminum Coated Steel Sheet with Excellent Film Adhesion in Powder Coating Method

濱田 元春(Motoharu Hamada) 久保 浩士(Hiroshi Kubo) 原田 俊一(Shun-ichi Harada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
This paper describes the development of a new aluminum coated steel sheet by powder coating method. A very thin zinc plating applied on a steel sheet previous to aqueous slurry of aluminum powder is found to prevent the growth of blisters and improve the adherence of aluminum film. Some practical problems in the continuous production of aluminum coated steel sheet have been solved experimentally on a pilot plant. A new aluminum coated steel sheet has attractive appearance, excellent heat resistance and good film adhesion. Besides it gives high corrosion resistance because of negligible pinholes in aluminum film, and gives good deep drawability.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003