Vol.10 (1978) No.2.3

A New Scrap Supply System for Basic Oxygen Furnace at Chiba Works

岡崎 有登(Arito Okazaki) 香月 淳一(Jun-ichi Katsuki) 曽我部 亢二(Koji Sogabe) 前田  誠(Makoto Maeda) 高橋 真人(Masato Takahashi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A new system has been developed for the purpose of labor saving and the avoidance of double installation of, for instance, cranes and yards. According to the system, scrap is gathered at another indoor yard instead of the BOF shop. The scrap in required type and amount is loaded into the charging chute on a freight car at the yard and then carried into the BOF shop where it is charged into the furnace. In consideration of the long distance between the scrap yard and the BOF shops, a newly introduced information control system and the increase of the chute number solved the quick response problem to any change of steelmaking order, and the drain holes made on the chute bag and a slope given to the surface of the freight car helped occasional rainwater flow out. The elimination of water pool in the chute, together with the inhibition on rainy days of using water absorptive scrap such as pressed one, assures a good evasion of vapor explosion in the furnace.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003