Vol.10 (1978) No.1

Slip Properties and Fatigue Strength of Galvanized Joints Fastened with High Strength Bolts

福島  公(Isao Fukushima) 村山 哲夫(Tetsuo Murayama) 浜岡  喬(Takashi Hamaoka)
要旨 :
明石SA橋の建設にあたり,20年間は補修不要といわれる溶融亜鉛めっき法の採用が検討されたので,その計画・設計と並行してこの種めっき接合部の耐力確認実験を行った。初期すべり荷重はS5(接合部不めっき処理後サンドブラスト),S4(めっきせずサンドブラスト),S2(めっき後サンドブラスト),S3(めっき後グリットブラスト),S1(めっきのまま)の順に低下し,S2,S4,S5がすべり係数設計値0.4を満足し,2×10 6回疲労強度(kg/mm2)はS1(28.5),S2(24.0),S5(22.2)の順に低下する。継手の防食性を考えあわせるとS2が最適と判断され,同橋に全面採用された。
Synopsis :
The hot-dip galvanizing process was applied to all steel members of the Akashi Service Area Bridege in Japan built in 1976. This report compares five types of joint surface treatment in terms of static and dynamic behaviors that were tested along with the planning and designing of the bridge. These types were arranged in decreasing order of the first slip load as follows: S5(sand blasted after masked galvanizing), S4(sand blasted without galvanizing), S2(sand blasted after galvanizing), S3(grit blasted after galvanizing), and S1(as galvanized). Only S2, S4 and S5 showed the slip coefficient over 0.4 which was stipulated in specifications for highway bridges(Japan Road Association, 1972). The fatigue strength of 28.5(S1), 24.0(S2) and 22.2kg/mm2(S5) were observed after 2×10 6 loading cycles. Thus, the S2 type treatment was evaluated best in consideration of both anticorrosion and the mechanical behaviors, and applied to the construction of the above bridge in full measure.
本文(PDF: 10P/346kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003