Vol.10 (1978) No.1

Manufacture of a 9%Cr-1%Mo Steel Forging for the Channel of Heat Exchanger

戸部 俊一(Toshikazu Tobe) 狩野 俊之(Toshiyuki Kano) 佐藤 新吾(Shingo Sato)
要旨 :
化学工場や石油精製工場などの分野で使われる圧力容器は大型化し,またその使用条件も厳しくなる傾向にあるため,厚肉の高Cr-Mo鋼に対する要求が高まっている。当社ではこのたび外径約1 600mm,内径約1 100mmの熱交換器のチャンネル用9%Cr-1%Mo鍛鋼を製造した。本鋼の場合,母材の高い引張強さと低い溶接最高硬さを実現できる適正な溶接後熱処理条件が非常に狭い範囲に限定される。この適正条件範囲の拡大にはC含有量の増加および焼入加熱温度の上昇が有効である。これらの対策は衝撃特性の面から制限を受けるもののかなりの実効があり,上記製品の機械的性質や溶接部の軟化特性は規格を十分満たすものであった。
Synopsis :
Along with an increasing trend toward larger pressure vessels for chemical and petroleum refining industries, higher grade and greater thickness are required of Cr-Mo steel. A steel forging as seen in the title has been manufactured at Mizushima Works with the outer and inner diameters of about 1.6 and 1.1m, respectively. Main problem overcome was an extremely narrow range allowed for the postweld treatment condition in realizing higher tensile strength of base metal and lower maximum hardness of weld metal. Both an increase of C content and the quenching from a higher temperature are effective for the expansion of the range. While these steps must be limited from the viewpoint of impact properties, these measures are found efficient enough for the above steel forging to satisfy the standard for mechanical properties and weldability.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003