Vol.9 (1977) No.3.4

Development of New Austenitic Stainless Steel R 304UD for Ultra Deep Drawing

大橋 延夫(Nobuo Ohashi) 小野  寛(Yutaka Ono) 野原 清彦(Kiyohiko Nohara) 宮脇 哲雄(Tetsuo Miyawaki) 渡辺 健次(Kenji Watanabe)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The investigation was carried out to develop sustenitic stainless steel sheet for deep drawing. Good press formability was shown for the steel of suitable Md30 value, the index of austenite stability, which was calculated from the chemical composition. Excellent press formability was obtained in Cu-bearing steels in comparison with Cu-free steels of the same Md30 values. Influence of grain size on formability and hot workability were also studied and a new steel of ultra deep drawing quality named R 304UD was developed. Limiting drawing ratio of R 304UD was 2.23 which was considerably higher than the value, 2.08, of JIS-SUS 304. This was due to the low drawing force and the high fracture force of R 304UD compared with those of SUS 304. In applying R 304UD to press forming of deep sink, the increase of restriking depth was realized and consequently shape-fixability and rigidity were remarkably improved.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003