Vol.9 (1977) No.1.2

Installation and Operation of the Slag Granulation Plant at Mizushima No.1 Blast Furnace Shop

青木 幹男(Mikio Aoki) 田中  周(Syu Tanaka) 松本 敏行(Toshiyuki Matsumoto)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Number one plant with a capacity of 1000t/day came into operation successfully in April, 1975, for an effective utilization of blast furnace slag. This plant, so-called "RASA system", is characterized by its simplicity in structure and easiness of operation. The product properties have been studied in terms of process parameters concerning the cooling and breaking of molten slag in the actual plant. Fine grains increase in their percentage with rises in the cooling rate and the force of agitation and collision. The bulk density of slag granules also increases with an increasing cooling rate, but its minimum is revealed at a water pressure of 2kg/cm2. This is considered to be due to an effect on packing properties of slag granules by both the amount of slag wool formation and slag size distribution. The porous products are used as raw materials for cement industry and the dense products are utilized in civil engineering construction. The wider utilization of granulated slags seems to be promising in the future.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003