Vol.9 (1977) No.1.2

Improvement of Continuously Cast Slab Surface Toward Conditioning-Free Rolling

児玉 正範(Masanori Kodama) 橘  林三(Rinzo Tachibana) 大西 正之(Masayuki Onishi) 野崎  努(Tsutomu Nozaki) 岡野   忍(Shinobu Okano) 小沢 三千晴(Michiharu Ozawa) 岩崎 利雄(Toshio Iwasaki) 吉門 照幸(Teruyuki Yoshikado)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Investigation into the cause of surface defects of continuously cast slabs has been performed in order to find ways of rolling heavy plates with 40kg/mm2 tensile strength or deep drawing sheets of low carbon aluminum-killed steel by bypassing the surface conditioning. The most detrimental defects to the conditioning-free rolling of these slabs were longitudinal facial cracks on the slabs for plates and sub-surface alumina clusters in the slabs for deep drawing sheets. Slow cooling in the mold and the secondary cooling zone results in uniform shell thickness and less thermal stress and reduces longitudinal cracks in the case of plate steel. In the case of deep drawing steel, high casting speed, high superheat of molten steel, and highly basic casting powder with low melting point are effective in reducing alumina clusters.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003