Vol.8 (1976) No.3

塑性変形の不均質性とAcoustic Emission
Inhomogeneity in Plastic Deformation and Acoustic Emission

今中 拓一(Takuichi Imanaka) 佐野 謙一(Ken-ichi Sano) 藤元 克巳(Katsumi Fujimoto)
要旨 :
acoustic emissionの測定量のもつ意味を検討し,対歪高感度性と時間的な高分解能性がacoustic emission法における特徴であること,またこのことが“in situ observation”(その場観察)の手段としてもすぐれた特徴を与えていることを評価した。さらに,塑性変形過程における空間的,時間的な不均質性に注目し,それらとacoustic emissionとの対応について考察し,特に,acoustic emissionと塑性変形の関係を考える場合に,この不均質性が無視できなくなることを指摘した。
Synopsis :
The significance of quantity measured in acoustic emission study has been examined in detail. A high strain sensitivity and a high time resolution such as 10-7〜10-12 and 10-5〜10-7sec respectively, have been evaluated to be the conspicuous characteristics of acoustic emission technique. On account of these unequaled features, using acoustic emission technique as a means for "in situ observation", it has been shown possible to elucidate elementary processes involved in deformation of metals, such as discontinuity in stress-strain curve, formation of slip bands, Bauschinger effect and Neumann burst phenomena. Here emphasis has been placed on the inhomogeneity of plastic deformation. It has been pointed out that acoustic emission characteristics should be considered in correlation with the inhomogeneity of plastic deformation. Models and theoretical treatment in acoustic emission are also reviewed.
本文(PDF: 15P/582kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003